Revival in New York City with Hannah Rae Faulk from C3 NYC

The Worship Podcast Ep6

Jeff Sandstrom: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the M X U Worship podcast hosted by Stephen Brewster. Each episode features great conversations between Stephen and all kinds of worship leaders from the most prolific songwriters, from prominent churches, to folks you may have never heard of. Either way, we hope that these resources and conversations will encourage, equip, and empower you to be the best worship leader you can.

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Stephen Brewster: Welcome to the M X U Worship podcast. I'm your host, Steve Brewster. So excited to be with you today. We're gonna share a little bit today about what life is like leading worship in New York City. I think worship is different in every community, and there's different challenges. There's some different opportunities.

New York City's a unique one though. And today we have Hannah Ray from C3 nyc. She's gonna tell us a little bit about the worship culture they're building there, the challenges that they. How Covid Covid and the, the [00:01:00] pandemic impacted what they do. And I think it's gonna be a really, really valuable, uh, conversation for you today.

So I hope you enjoy it. Um, if you enjoy it, I would love for you to take a minute and just share this podcast with one person. Just find one person. You can text it to mean the world to me and to the guys at M X U if you could do that. So without further ado, let's check out this conversation with Hannah.

Welcome to our podcast today. I'm so excited to introduce you to a friend of mine. If you don't already know her, you will Hannah Ray balk from C3 NYC and C3 Worship. Thank you for joining us

Hannah Rae Faulk: today. I'm so excited to be here.

Stephen Brewster: Thanks, dear. And you live in New York. I mean, we're all jealous. You know, , like every worship leader is like, wait, you can lead worship and live in New York.

So that's a pretty awesome thing. But you're not from New York, you're from Atlanta, Georgia.

Hannah Rae Faulk: I am. I'm a southern bell and the North. Pray for me .

Stephen Brewster: What do you think's the, like, what's the [00:02:00] biggest, what's the biggest difference between like growing up in, in Atlanta and now living in New York City?

Hannah Rae Faulk: I think it's the pacing.

Um, and people talk a lot faster here. Yeah, they do.

Stephen Brewster: They do. They do. There's no twang to their voice either.

Hannah Rae Faulk: There's none and, and they make fun of you if you have it. Yeah. Um, so , I think I've, I still, I think I've lost it a bit, my accent, but it, it might come out on this podcast cause let's hope so. Yeah.

Stephen Brewster: Okay. So you're, you, you're, you're part of C3 nyc, which is a, a great church in New York City. You got a couple campuses in New York City, and then you also campuses globally and uh, also in Philadelphia. Am I missing any

Hannah Rae Faulk: campuses? No, you're good. Um, Paris and Berlin are the ones globally, right? And then Yeah, you're right.

Philly and New York City. So we're at,

Stephen Brewster: so what's it like to lead worship in New [00:03:00] York City? Like that's, it's gotta be different than, um, I mean, every place in the country's a little different because people are just a little different, like geographically and colonially, but what's, what, what, what's it like in New York City?

Hannah Rae Faulk: Yeah, that's a great question. Um, I think we really, maybe, I'm sure it's the same in other cities as well, but I think in New York, uh, I mean, I grew up going to, going to church my whole life where mm-hmm. Church is kind of cultural and here it's not cultural. So if you come to church, it's, it's a big deal.

And a lot of times people aren't, didn't grow up. And the kind of church environment that if they did go to church that, you know, we're, um, providing. So I think that, um, it's like a lot about teaching people how to worship. Um, they might not be, a lot of times they're not familiar with the songs or they're not even [00:04:00] familiar with what in worship experience is.

So I think what's cool is there's a lot of authenticity. Um, and it can be people's first time experiencing, um, God in that way, um, or his presence. But a lot of times it's us having to teach people, um, you know, why we worship and why we raise our hands and, uh, what does this song mean and why do we sing this song out versus another song?

And, um, even repeating a lot of songs so people can learn the, the lyrics. We always think about how are people gonna be able to. Learned these songs because, uh, we want it to be understood by people from New York and, um, easily learn so that they can sing it out. Cause we have so many new people walking through the doors

Stephen Brewster: like every Sunday.

Yeah. Um, well, and that's one of the things that we learned, like, so I've, I've gotten the pleasure being part of the journey of C3 worship for a couple years [00:05:00] now, and the New York is a transient place. Yeah. People don't stay there forever. . And so, so it must be, it must be challenging at times to continue to build your team and to, to build a culture of worship.

Um, what, what are some things that you guys do that, that you feel like are, are unique to, to your church to build that culture? Like I, I know one thing you said was, Frequency of songs is, is you sing songs a lot more frequently than maybe a church in the south might. But is, is there anything else that you do to culturally build worship culture in your church?


Hannah Rae Faulk: Yeah. I think, um,

I think, I think our church does a really beautiful, uh, we wanna live a life of worship, right? So I think that. I think that with our, just, we have rhythms of worship within our, even our staff culture as well as, um, we provide rhythms of [00:06:00] worship for all of the team people in our church that are like members that are involved, like within our teams.

So a lot of teams will have like individual like worship nights. That's awesome. Uh, which helps create, um, intimacy and just, um, personal encounters with the Lord. Uh, we wanna teach people how to have worship. Um, in the mundane on their own, not just on a Sunday. Um, I, our all in team nights are a monthly rhythm we have for, um, everybody's welcome to come.

That's not even a part of a team at church. Mm-hmm. . But those are usually when we have longer worship sets and, um, there's more time for us to have, um, movement in the spirit. Uh, and we have that once a month. And I think that really teaches people. How to like, sit in God's presence and uh, learn how to worship and, and that environment, have space for it, make space for it.

And yeah, within our worship team specifically, we have, um, monthly or every [00:07:00] other month we have in what we call on counter nights, which is just for our worship team. And, uh, we just flow, um, and allow our team to, uh, worship together. Um, cuz if we don't know how to develop, um, personal time of worship in our own lives, It won't, we want it to be authentic.

Some days are just an overflow of what's already happening behind the scenes, so, yeah.

Stephen Brewster: Well, and New York, I mean, obviously there's such an energy, a creative energy, um, it, it, it must feel weird to slow down in worship in a city that's known for going, just always going. Yeah. You know, um, yeah. Well, I love, I love that.

I love the, I love what you said about rhythms of worship. Um, you know, that's, that's so, so powerful. Now you guys have, you're, you're a lean staff. You guys work like very intentionally. How do you develop a team in New York? Like, uh, it's hard to develop a team in the south where everybody goes [00:08:00] to. Because that's what you're supposed to do.

I can't imagine what it's like in New York City to have to develop a team. So what are some of the challenges that you face and then how have you guys kind of solved some of those challenges?

Hannah Rae Faulk: Yeah, I will say, I'll actually start with a positive. Um, great. If you don't, I think that a positive being in a city, um, where it's not popular to be a believer and it's not culturally, Within people's rhythms is that there's an, an earnest, like an earnestness and like a spirit of like, um, excitement about serving God.

Um, when you discover him, uh, because it's authentic and they pe a lot of times if people, people come to our church, they experience God for the first time, so they're new believers. So it's very passionate. Mm-hmm. . Um, and I think that if you are a believer and you move to New York, um, Then you kind of, you have a calling to like minister to the city.

So I think, uh, joining a [00:09:00] team or like serving basically, which is basically just serving in your church body, uh, you kind of have a, you have already like, um, a mission mindset. Like you're, you're here for a reason to serve the city. Um, so people have an eagerness to, uh, jump in already. It's like heightened.

It's not just. A weekly rhythm or a social club. It's, um, a kind of, it's a bigger mission. It's like a calling, so something that. Just on our staff and at C3 nyc and, and then especially in our worship team, I always tell my team, I'm like, you know, our goal is to empower you to see the gold, the gold inside of you and the calling on your life.

And, um, worship team, uh, serving, you know, on the band and singing, right, or songwriting, that's just a part of your calling. Um, and for some of you, That's like one outlet, but there's like, our goal is to help you discover like [00:10:00] that in the rest of your life as well. And this is just like part of how you're building this house.

Um, so I think that that's, people are so eager to jump in cuz they understand that like mission, mindset. Um, and I think that, but like what one are the challenges is, um, in a city like New York. Yeah, it's the transient, like people are transient, like they come in and out. Um, but I think we have to flip the coin and say, all right, we're a part of your journey here.

So our goal is like whatever we teach you to carry here on this team, um, with worship and pour out, like our hope is that you carry that into the next season of your life. Yeah. The next city you go to, um, A big challenge in building a worship team, um, is when people are new believers, um, or when people are believers in a city like New York.

Temptation is real and it's huge. Um, and people are, it's easy to be infatuated with like what the city [00:11:00] lifestyle can offer. Um, You know, money, fame, riches, uh, party culture, uh, weekends, all that stuff. So I think people can live, uh, are used to living maybe a Luke worm lifestyle or a lifestyle where, okay, I go to church on Sunday, I love God, like that's a big deal.

But like, how do I bring that into, um, my work as well as like my weekends and what I do with my time And, um, people even lack convict. Around, uh, living a life that's holy and set apart, which is what we really call our team higher to do. Um, just as believers, we wanna be all in, especially if you're on the front lines and you're a worship team.

So I think it's really teaching, um, our team, um, like the weight that they carry, um, and. The why, um, like we're, why we're called and we're holy and we're set apart. And I think that's a, that's been a challenge. Just, just cuz people aren't convicted naturally in that way. Mm-hmm. , [00:12:00] um, They've never, because they've never been taught it or they're just used to living like a dual life.

Um, and they haven't had accountability before. Um, so we've been learn, we've learned Matthew and I, my work Coer director, we've learned, okay, how do we impart love, but accountability. Yeah. Um, accountability and love and, and then even we don't know, it's a big team. We have like 80 people, so it's like we just have to trust the Lord.

Um, With highlighting things that need to be brought to the light to us, and we want our team to feel safe to bring things they're struggling with. Um, yeah. And you know, we don't want a perfect team, but we want an honest team that is humble and willing to, um, bring things to the light and, uh, surrender things to the Lord.

So, um, Yeah, that's, that's definitely been our, our biggest challenge in growing pain. But God's been, um, teaching us how to carry it well and bringing a lot of healing [00:13:00] through it, which has been

Stephen Brewster: cool. That's so awesome. That's so awesome. Um, well, and I think like, even, even Matthew's story, like, you know, Matthew's from Ohio and he moved to New York.

To be on Broadway, which he is. And then he also is the worship one, like the, a co worships director. So like, there's not many churches in America that have someone who's on Broadway also on their worship team. So, very true . It's a, it's a very unique and, um, like fun but really unique thing, you know, that it's that, that, you know, in this season that's what life is like.

So, um, tell me a little bit about, Like creating music or for your church. So like obviously on this podcast we talk to a lot of people who create original worship music for their church. Um, you guys are doing an amazing job navigating the function of worship, but how did you guys get started in creating original music and what [00:14:00] did that even look like at the beginning?

Because New York's filled with people who are there to create original art anyway. Yeah.

Hannah Rae Faulk: Uh, I. So I came onto this role when they, after they started and developed, uh, the leaders before me, like a songwriting culture. Um, and I think that, I know, I know that Pastor Josh and Georgie really wanted, uh, songs from our house, uh, to come up and minister to our people.

Um, and I think that it started probably, I wanna say like 2017, uh, 2018, and I went on one of the first writing retreats when I wasn't mm-hmm. . Um, I wasn't on staff at the time and it was just beautiful. Like, um, I think that no matter where you are, um, Like the Lord, like wants to write, like wants to, I say like writing [00:15:00] songs, it's like writing a love note, like to the Lord.

Um, but based off of a ch like a church body, you have similar experiences. So you're writing from similar experiences. So the what you write is gonna be, um, relatable to the people that you're around and you're doing life with. So yeah, I think that, um, yeah, the journey was like starting. Like small writing retreats.

And then, uh, when I, like we got more involved and we met you, uh, we got to start going to Nashville and like songwriting there as well, uh, with pros who are just amazing. Um, but I think it's been beautiful to see like through that like. God's like drawn people in our house that actually have a songwriting, gifting and um, yeah, I just think our testimony is like really influenced, like yeah.

The weight of what we're writing and it, it's spec. I've seen it especially, um, as we started releasing music and doing like live recordings, it just, it amazes me [00:16:00] the difference of like when we started trialing our songs like in services, like, um, how our songs. Like really unlock something within our congregation versus like, maybe songs from other teams, simply because like God's giving us downloads of what's gonna minister to this house.

Um, and especially, especially coming out of, um, the last like two, three years, or two years of, you know, pandemic and New York going through a lot, um, like worship. Has been, and our personal songs has like, have like, been like the most healing when we, um, we had our first live recording, uh, of our songs, um, after, right after pandemic, I think it was 20.

It was 2020, yeah. 2021. And it was powerful. Like we, I've never experienced heaven in a worship set like that before. Like there was just so much joy. As a [00:17:00] church being able to sing together like our own songs. I don't know. That's my general answer. But it's just been growing and the momentum that's been happening has been really organic and it's just, um, it's crazy to think that in 2018 I was riding in an upstate cabin with like, um, team, with team, and those team members are still members of our church who are still here.

From that journey till now, we've been to Nashville writing with other writers, and now we have a 16 song like album coming out. But like in our archives we have like 30 plus songs and Yeah. Um, which is just really beautiful how God was like, I'm just gonna like open this and like, let it be an overflow, um, because you guys are open to writing what I'm putting in your heart.


Stephen Brewster: yeah. Well, and, and I think it for, for anyone who hasn't created an album before the, the. The lie that you wanna believe is we just have to, [00:18:00] um, write 10 songs and then that's gonna be the album. And the reality is you sometimes have to write a hundred songs to get to 10. Yeah. And, and what I love about.

Your journey, but all just the journey of worship leaders in general is that every time you write a song, you learn something new, but you also learn something new spiritually about yourself and your church and your culture and what fits and what doesn't fit and what's your voice. And you guys have worked really hard to refine that.

Um, you talked about the album coming out, so let's jump to that. Um, I love what you guys feel like God has given you for the album. So talk to me about revival days and what that means. Oh man. . I know. I just opened, I just opened Pandora's Box, right .

Hannah Rae Faulk: No, it's so good. But I think this is like a great question following the first one cuz it's like, okay, practically what does it look like?

How do you, how do you choose songs for your house that you actually wanna release? Because I think to your point, . A lot of times we can write songs [00:19:00] that are more personal and maybe just relate to like your testimony and what you're walking through. But uh, also when you walk into a right, um, it's always great to ask the question.

Okay, Lord, like, what are you doing like in our house right now? Like, what songs do you wanna write like through us to minister to our house and like, what are you doing in this season for our house? Revival Days, which is the title of our live project. Um, revival Days is a song that we wrote like three to four years ago, um, and at the time, and we've released a few.

Um, projects before, even now, but we didn't wanna release the song revival days cause it didn't feel appropriate at the time. We didn't think we were actually like stepping into that season, um, of urgency, like for a church. We just felt like it was kind of this like gem of a song, uh, that came out and it just didn't feel like the right time to release it.

So I think timing's everything and um, yeah. So when we were praying. The album, we wanted [00:20:00] to release it earlier, start doing a live project, big live album earlier, but because of Life Pandemic, et cetera, it got pushed till this year. And, um, by the time we were looking at all of our songs, like 30 plus Songs, uh, God just started to highlight what songs were ministering to our church.

Uh, that our song that our church was loving singing out, and even just thematically, like under the umbrella of revival. What he was doing. I was, what inspired me personally, um, was I just think like after such a heavy season that we went through as a city, like God, uh, was telling our church like, was definitely clearing out our church and like rebuilding.

And, um, when you have conviction and you desire. You learn how to desire like God's will and like a pure desire for him when you suffer. And I think our church went through a lot of [00:21:00] maturing, uh, because of the painful past two years and a rebuilding. And the, as I was praying in the album, the Lord gave me a download.

Where he said, I'm doing a new thing within your church. And he kept, um, highlighting Isaiah 43, which says, behold, I'm doing a new thing now it's springs fourth. Do you not perceive it? Um, we'll make rivers in the desert. Um, and so when he gave me that download, um, he was, he gave me like a picture. And there's been a lot of prophetic words over our church.

During the season that we've just come out of, you know, like New York cities and the storm and there's a lot of warfare happening. Um, but in the picture and then the storm, you know, rain comes and then it waters the land to like, where it's fertile. And it also like clears out rain, clears out all the clutter and all the distraction, like what's unclean.

So I feel like our city. Has come out and our church has come out of a crazy storm, but now, like the ground is fertile and ready, um, like for revival [00:22:00] and for God to plant new things and brain will harvest. So, um, yeah, our journey with Revival Days was, uh, really just God confirming that message over and over again.

Um, to me, to Matthew, to Pastor Josh and Georgie our team through people praying for us and speaking into our church and even, um, Yeah, just what we were seeing like on Sundays, like there's a new hunger, like we're having fresh encounters with the Lord, like more of his presence and more like divine, like healings and like moving in the spirit, like more than we've seen ever before, um, in our church.

And I think, um, it's just, it's a miracle honestly, that we're standing after the last two years we've been through and yeah. Um, I think that we, to see God people have a fresh hunger. To join small groups and dinner parties and like say yes to Jesus and to experience him. Cause I think New York has been humbled and they [00:23:00] realize like, The city doesn't have a lot to offer at the end of the day, actually has nothing to offer, like none of the things we wanted or dependent on worked before.

So people are so broken that they're like looking up and looking for answers and looking for healing. And um, so I really believe like the ground is fertile and people are ready to hear about Jesus and all of our songs. Um, Go under that umbrella of revival days, even thematically, like there's a lot of water in the tree, a lot of like mm-hmm.

um, like Earth, like, um, language, like no oasis and, um, wave and my, uh, my whole world. And, um, it just like wasn't coincidence that. The songs we've written over the past few years all fit so beautifully under this umbrella over Bible days. And, um, yeah, it's pretty cool. So, God see, that's amazing.

Stephen Brewster: Now so, so powerful.

And I, every time you tell the story, I [00:24:00] love it. I love to hear the story. Um, two things you said during that answer though that I need to, to, to dig into. Number one, what's the biggest difference? I mean, New York, every, every city, every team, every community has been. You know, affected by what happened with the pandemic, right?

I think New York and la maybe Chicago, Miami, maybe like some of these bigger cities. It, it, it was totally different in those cities. Right. And so, um, what, what's the biggest difference now for you guys leading worship post pandemic as opposed to pre pandemic?

Hannah Rae Faulk: Yeah, I think, I think you're, I think our church has been, Our church.

A lot of people find Jesus through our church, which is so beautiful. Um, but when you go through suffering, there's, IM maturing. And either you walk away from your faith or you, you stick it out and you actually lean in and learn [00:25:00] who God is, um, on a deeper level. Um, and I think that, Worship is different for us because we're the people that have stayed and chosen to, to say yes to the Lord, um, yes.

To being a part of his body in the midst of like trial and suffering, um, choosing God when it's not easy. Right. And I think that, um, because of that, like there's a maturity on our team and on our church body now, um, to say, no, I'm gonna choose God even like when it's really hard. Yes. Um, and I'm gonna choose to stay in New York.

And like love this city. Yeah. Even when. Financially, it, it's more expensive. Um, or when it was completely shut down, it was uncomfortable. You couldn't enjoy what the city usually had to offer. Like restaurants were shut down, like, um, everybody's afraid because. They're all wearing masks and, uh, you can't do literally anything.

[00:26:00] Church is hard to happen. Like church couldn't happen, like big groups gathering. Um, we had to learn to do church with opposition for the first time. Right, right. And like as westerners we're not used to that. Um, and like, are you and New Yorkers especially like, we love comfort and we love convenience. And if it.

Like nothing if it's not close enough to us, like in our neighborhood, like people aren't gonna go like to something far away or challenging. And so when there's so many barriers to go to church, um, if you're showing up to church in a pandemic, like with those barriers, like you really care , so, right. Yeah.

I think that that just like, It just changed the game. Um, people were willing to suffer for their faith and suffer for Christ, and there's a lot of fruit that comes from that and, and maturity. So I think that that's really what, um, it, it hurt our church and the fact that people couldn't handle it and they were like, this isn't for me.

I'm not, I don't like this. Like, I [00:27:00] don't like Christianity being hard. Um, but I mean, and God's view and our, my view now, I think it was good for us because it actually. Yeah, it made our faith more real and we became more sold out and more unified as a body to like suffer together and withstand the challenges.


Stephen Brewster: That's amazing. Okay. Also, you mentioned dinner parties, and I think this is something that's so unique to C3 Church and you guys have actually, a lot of other churches are now taking this, uh, this idea and this concept and using it in their churches. I, in fact, I was, I know Pastor Josh was just in Nashville a couple weeks ago and spoke, and then I saw that church release that they're launching dinner parties, and so tell everybody what a dinner party is.

Hannah Rae Faulk: I love dinner parties. Um, a dinner party is a party , so it's dinner and a party. Wow. That's revolutionary. Wow. Great, great. But it's like, [00:28:00] it's different than a small group, so everybody, you know, um, Usually the fir, the rhythm is that it's midweek and um, there's actually, it's just hosting and getting to know people.

It's open to anyone, anybody can come. And then after like an hour of mingling, getting to know people, eating, having a meal together, everybody sits down and we, we talk about, um, Sunday's message and just break it down together. Uh, It's a discussion format. It's not, um, like a Bible study format, uh, where people feel like they have to prepare to walk in.

It's more about learning how to unpack the word of God together, um, and, um, make it open for people that don't know God and maybe don't even go to your church. So from our perspective dinner party, um, is people's like first experience before they even get to Sunday. Yeah. Um, so we believe that just that.

That's how Jesus had his ministry. He, um, went to a lot of dinner parties with non-believers and. [00:29:00] Just spread the gospel that way. And that's what we want dinner parties to be for our church. Um, we believe like we have to build, um, our faith and, uh, community through relationships and, um, Around the table, the table just breaks down barriers and, um, people feel hospitality, especially like is in New York, is such a gift and so rare.

Um, it's very rare for people to open up their homes. Um, it's a big ask actually. Um, cuz our spaces are small and it's hard to fit a lot of people in it. But we, it's been really beautiful, like how touching even that act of hospitality is to people in New York. Like it's super rare in an urban city. So it's been cool to see community built through that.

And, um, you just meet so many different people from different walks of life if you have an open invite to, you know, a dinner party to table. Um, so I've been doing it for five years [00:30:00] now and I've never stopped and it's.

Stephen Brewster: Powerful. So that's amazing. Okay, my last question for you today then I'm gonna let you get back to the busy life of New York City, but what do you hope people experience when they listen to this record and, and maybe what are a couple songs?

I know what my standout songs are, but I'm not gonna say those. What are maybe a couple songs that you just feel like God's really ministered to you through those songs? And then what do you hope people experience when they listen to the record?

Hannah Rae Faulk: For revival days, I really hope that it restores hope in people's hearts, um, and belief, um, and the expectation that, um, um, Jesus is restoring and healing things and he, he keeps his promises and he will restore and heal things within their lives. Um, our is that he restores hope, um, grow faith in people again.

Um, and the belief that like we. Living of living with a [00:31:00] kingdom mindset, um, that the works that, um, Jesus talked about and Jesus performed and the disciples lived, um, in the New Testament, like we get to live and experience now, um, in our daily lives. Like let's live and go after it with that same faith, like God is doing a new thing.

Like let's do the Jesus stuff, you know? Right. Let's not just live in the mundane and in the reg and the regular and then. Um, yeah, so that's my prayer. Um, and then songs that really mean a lot to me starting to see is my favorite song, I think on the entire record, uh, because it talks about, Seeing, seeing God, um, in a place of pain or, or a doubt, or when things aren't perfect or even the breakthrough's not happening.

Um, it's a lament song and I think that there's something really [00:32:00] powerful in choosing Jesus when you're sad and experiencing him, um, when life is hard and not to be afraid of that space, but inviting Jesus into it. I think the promise of that song, Uh, that Jesus, the what gets us through a trial or the valley is knowing that Jesus is with us.

I think that's why it's so beautiful when Jesus said, never will I leave or forsake you. Like, don't be afraid. It's better that I go away because my holy spirit's gonna be with you and I'm closer than you even know. And I'm always available when I'm going through a trial. Like I just wanna know someone's with me and to know Jesus is with me and near.

Oh my gosh, it's the best feeling. So I think that song really ministers to me and it can minister to people that are going through heavy seasons of doubt and hurt. Cause that's the pain that we came through the last two years. So I think there's a lot of healing power on that song. And then of course, revival Days, the title track is, um, another one of my favorite songs cuz it's such a face song [00:33:00] of what I believe God's been doing in our city and what he's gonna continue to do here and globally in this season.

Stephen Brewster: I love it. I love it. Well, Hannah Ray, thank you for today. Thank you for taking the time to, to spend with us and to share a little bit about. Life in New York City, being in ministry and what that looks like. And also about this new album that I can't wait for people to hear. So. So thank you so much for your time.

Hannah Rae Faulk: Thanks Steven. You're the best. Have so much fun.

Stephen Brewster: wasn't that an awesome conversation? I love the idea of dinner parties. I think dinner parties are such a cool thing. A disarming way to get people into community. And community's such a big part of what they're doing at C3 NYC and, and how they're building their culture by having worship nights just for their worship team and having the opportunity to, um, develop worship culture inside of their team.

So, uh, I hope you can maybe apply some of those things to what you're doing at your local church [00:34:00] and it helps you. Build a better culture for how you guys are doing worship in your churches. Um, if today's podcast meant anything to you, if you learned anything, if there was anything valuable in it, share it with one friend that you know, one person that could maybe use this encouragement today or use this, uh, these resources.

So if you could do that, it would mean the world to us. We would love it and make sure you tune in next week when we have another podcast episode with either a Worship leader you know, or maybe one you don't. But I know that God has something to say to you in every one of those conversations, so make sure you tune in again next week.

Revival in New York City with Hannah Rae Faulk from C3 NYC
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